A.I.-Resistant or A.I.-Compatible?

Last week, I had the opportunity to speak at the Learning and the Brain Conference in NY. I’ve been at multiple LATB conferences and they always bring a great and diverse group of educators together from K-12, Higher-Ed, and other institutions.

The hot topic this year was (you guessed it) Artificial Intelligence. In one of my presentations, I brought up a topic of learning in a post-AI world.

When we think about the future of learning we have to include artificial intelligence, in the same way we have to include the internet, computers, etc.

There are two paths that a lot of people are talking about, and we discussed them in depth during my session.

One is going AI-resistant. And the other is AI-compatible.

In this video I break down the benefits and drawbacks of each path, and what it looks like to do both in the classroom.

What path do you think we should head down? Or, should be do both as I share in the video?


Overhyping the A.I. Moment, Underhyping the Future of Learning


Solving The Apathy Problem: How Achievement Leads to Motivation